Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The meaning of love

Many people often use the word 'love' without really knowing what it means and what it is to love and be loved.
Have you ever stood on the edge of a cliff or on a really high building, just looking out towards the sunrise or sunset, mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the view and of the world? You can't touch the scene, nor can you change it or manipulate it. You can try to capture it by taking a picture but it won't be able to get the entire memory as it appears before you during that moment. You see the view but what you feel is inherent and unique to you.

Other people who see that same view might feel different things; they might say that they've already been there, that they've already seen it, even if what they saw was of another view somewhere else. What they mean to say is that they have a memory of a similar view, a memory that may not always be of the image, per se, but of the feeling or the familiarity that came with the memory.
You can relate this breathtaking scene to love. It is a memory, much more stronger than any other emotion that we've felt, and every time we feel, we say, "Yes! I have been here before." And that is because you have already loved.
Consider an entrepreneur who has already made his mark in the business world. He wasn't always there at the top but he found a way to make it happen. How he did, few will ever know, because there are moments that these entrepreneurs don't recount because they may be too personal or too hard to explain. These are their moments of arrival.
Moments like those are like the alignment of the stars, when the entire universe seems to be conspiring to make things turn out the way they did. They are profound, like the alignment of the body, mind, and spirit. These are moments of deep recognition and of remembrance of a memory so deep and sacred, that we struggle to put a name to it. Is it inspiration? Is it love? Is it something utterly divine? Or maybe, just maybe, it's truth.
Love, in itself, bears no attachments. When it's there, we want to get as much of it as we possibly can. People have gone to great lengths to get it, to hold onto it, and to celebrate it. There is no easy path to love but there is no need to be discouraged. The road towards it may be hard to travel on, but everything will well be worth it once you get to your destination.
And that, in nature is the essence of love.

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